Part Number : PDSP16256

Function : Programmable FIR Filter / Sixteen MACs in a Single Device

Package : PGA Type

Maker : Mitel, ZarLink Semiconductor

Pinouts :
PDSP16256 datasheet

Description :

The PDSP16256 contains sixteen multiplier-accumulators, which can be multi cycled to provide from 16 to 128 stages of digital filtering. Input data and coefficients are both represented by 16-bit two’s complement numbers with coefficients converted internally to 12 bits and the results being accumulated up to 32 bits.

In 16-tap mode the device samples data at the system clock rate of up to 25MHz. If a lower sample rate is acceptable then the number of stages can be increased in powers of two up to a maximum of 128. Each time the number of stages is doubled, the sample clock rate must be halved with respect to the system clock. With 128 stages the sample clock is therefore one eighth of the system clock.

Features : 

1. Sixteen MACs in a Single Device

2. Basic Mode is 16-Tap Filter at up to 25MHz Sample Rates

3. Programmable to give up to 128 Taps with Sampling Rates Proportionally Reducing to 3·125MHz

4. 16-bit Data and 32-bit Accumulators

5. Can be configured as One Long Filter or Two Half-Length Filters

6. Decimate-by-two Option will Double the Filter Length

7. Coefficients supplied from Host System or local EPROM


Datasheet PDF Download :
PDSP16256 pdf

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PDSP-16256, PDSP16256A, PDSP16256AC, PDSP16256C0

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2021/10/04 15:35 2021/10/04 15:35
