Part Number : 2SK2925S
Function : 60V, 10A, MOSFET, Transistor
Package : DPak-2 type
Maker : Hitachi , Renesas Electronics
Pinouts :
Description :
Silicon N Channel MOSFET
Features :
• Low on-resistance RDS=0.060 Ωtyp.
• High speed switching
• 4V gate drive device can be driven from 5V source
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
1. Drain to source voltage : VDSS = 60 V
2. Gate to source voltage : VGSS = ± 20 V
3. Drain current : ID = 10 A
4. Channel dissipation : Pch = 20 W
5. Channel temperature : Tch = 150 °C
6. Storage temperature : Tstg = -55 to +150 °C
Applications :
1. High Speed Power Switching
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Others datasheet of same file : 2SK2925, 2SK2925L, K2925S