Part Number : TPS7A6650-Q1

Function : High-Voltage Ultralow-Iq Low-Dropout Regulator 

Package : 8-Pin SOIC-D, MSOP-DGN

Maker : Texas Instruments

Pinouts :
TPS7A6650-Q1 datasheet

Description :

The TPS7A66xx-Q1 and TPS7A69xx-Q1 are low-dropout linear regulators designed for up to 40-V Vin operations. With only 12-µA quiescent current at no load, they are quite suitable for standby micro control unit systems, especially in automotive applications.

The devices feature integrated short-circuit and overcurrent protection. The devices implement reset delay on power up to indicate the output voltage is stable and in regulation. One can program the delay with an external capacitor. A low-voltage tracking feature allows for a smaller input capacitor and can possibly eliminate the need of using a boost converter during cold-crank conditions.


1. Qualified for Automotive Applications

2. Device Junction Temperature Range : –40°C to +150°C

3. 4-V to 40-V Wide Vin Input Voltage Range With up to 45-V Transient

4. Output Current: 150 mA

5. Low ESR Ceramic Output Stability Capacitor (2.2 µF–100 µF)

6. 300-mV Dropout Voltage at 150 mA (Typical, V(Vin) = 4 V)

7. Low Input Voltage Tracking


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Datasheet PDF Download :
TPS7A6650-Q1 pdf

Others datasheet of same file : 6933, 6950, PA1Q, PA2Q, PA4Q

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2021/07/31 16:47 2021/07/31 16:47
