Part Number : MT6329

Function :  PMIC ( Power management integrated circuit ) 

Package : TFBGA - 155 L 


Image :
MT6329 datasheet

Description :

MT6329 is a power management system chip optimized for 2G/3G handsets and smart phones, especially those based on the MediaTek MT6575 system solution. MT6329 contains 15 buck converters and 21 LDOs, which are optimized for specific 2G/3G/smart phone subsystems.


1. Handles all 2G/3G/smart phone baseband power management

2. Input range: 3.4 ~ 4.3V

3. Charger input of up to 10V

4. 5 buck converters and 21 LDOs optimized for specific 2G/3G/smart phone subsystems

5.  Dual-channel, 3.7V 0.7W into 8Ω Class AB/D audio amplifiers

6.  Flexibility for various configurations of backlight LED drivers: 6ISINK/10WLED boost controller

Datasheet PDF Download :
MT6329 pdf

Others datasheet of same file : MT-6329, MT6329BA

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2021/03/27 13:52 2021/03/27 13:52
