Part Number : IRF540N
Function : 33A, 100V, 0.040 Ohm, N-Channel, Power MOSFET
Package : TO-220AB
Maker : Fairchild Semiconductor
Pinouts :
Description :
1. Ultra Low On-Resistance
(1) rDS(ON)= 0.040Ω, VGS = 10V
2. Simulation Models
(1) Temperature Compensated PSPICE™ and SABER© Electrical Models
(2) Spice and SABER© Thermal Impedance Models
3. Peak Current vs Pulse Width Curve
4. UIS Rating Curve
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
1. Drain to source voltage : VDSS = 100 V
2. Gate to source voltage : VGSS = ± 20 V
3. Drain current : ID = 33 A
4. Allowable Power Dissipation : Pd = 120 W
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