Part Number : EPVP6200
Function : VFD Controller
Package : QFP 52 Pin Type
Maker : Elan Microelectronics Corp
Image :
Description :
The EPVP6200 is an 8-bit RISC type vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) controller equipped with low power consumption and high speed CMOS technology. This integrated single chip features on_chip watchdog timer (WDT), one time programming ROM (OTP), data RAM, programmable real time clock/counter, internal interrupt, power down mode, built-in four-wire SPI, IR detector, and high voltage output for VFD application.
Pinouts :
1. Crystal Oscillator (32.768KHz): with a external crystal
2. 8k x 13 on chip Program ROM.
3. 256 x 8 on chip data RAM
4. 144 x 8 general purpose registers
5. 16 level stack for subroutine nesting
Datasheet PDF Download :

Others datasheet of same file : EPVP-6200, PVP6200