Part Number : DRV8308

Function : Brushless DC Motor Controller

Package : 6- × 6-mm QFN Package, 0.5-mm Pitch

Maker : Texas Instruments

Pinouts :
DRV8308 datasheet

Description :

The DRV8308 device is a three half-bridge pre-driver that drives up to 130 mA to six N-type MOSFETs with a single power supply. Aimed at sensored three phase brushless DC motors, this pre-driver includes configurable a digital speed loop, speed controls, and commutation modes to optimize motor performance.

When properly tuned, the device can drive motors with less than 0.1% cycle jitter and fast torque compensation. The integrated digital speed loop allows the motor to
maintain speed under variable loads with programmable gain and loop filters. The adjustable
slew rates can also lower the switching noise and improve EMC.


Datasheet PDF Download :
DRV8308 pdf

Others datasheet of same file : DRV-8308, DRV8308RHAR, DRV8308RHAT

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2021/06/04 10:30 2021/06/04 10:30
