Part Number : AD9762

Function : 12-bit, 125MSPS, TxDAC D/A converter. 

Package : 28-Lead SOIC and TSSOP

Maker : Analog Devices

Pinouts :
AD9762 datasheet

Description :

The AD9762 is the 12-bit resolution member of the TxDAC series of high performance, low power CMOS digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The TxDACfamily which consists of pin compatible 8-, 10-, 12-, and 14-bit DACs is specifically optimized for the transmit signal path of communication systems. All of the devices share the same interface options, small outline package and pinout, thus providing an upward or downward component selection path based on performance, resolution and cost. The device offers exceptional ac and dc performance while supporting update rates up to 125 MSPS.


1. Member of Pin-Compatible TxDAC Product Family
2. 125 MSPS Update Rate
3. 12-Bit Resolution
4. Excellent Spurious Free Dynamic Range Performance
5. SFDR to Nyquist @ 5 MHz Output: 70 dBc
6. Differential Current Outputs: 2 mA to 20 mA
7. Power Dissipation: 175 mW @ 5 V to 45 mW @ 3 V
8. Power-Down Mode: 25 mW @ 5 V
9. On-Chip 1.20 V Reference
10. Single +5 V or +3 V Supply Operation
11. Edge-Triggered Latches

Applications :

1. Communication Transmit Channel:
2. Basestations (Single/Multichannel Applications)
3. ADSL/HFC Modems
4. Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS)
5. Instrumentation


Datasheet PDF Download :
AD9762 pdf

Others datasheet of same file :

AD9762-EB, AD9762AR, AD9762ARU

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2021/05/17 16:00 2021/05/17 16:00
