Part Number : HG62E

Function : CMOS Gate Array

Package : QFP-64 Pin Type

Maker : Hitachi , Renesas Electronics

Pinouts :
HG62E datasheet

Description :

The HG62E series is a master slice CMOS gate array of which the gate length is 1um and user 2-layer metal interconnect technology.

This series has twelve master chips with high gate count/pads from 770/68 to 24,000/272.

These chips can replace not only CMOS logics but also TTL logics due to the high speed of 0.7 ns typ and compatibility of input and output buffers at TTL/CMOS level.

Features :

1. Auto-diagnoisis

2. Fast Operation

3. Low Power dissiaption

4. Powerful design support

Datasheet PDF Download :
HG62E pdf

Others datasheet of same file :

HG62E08, HG62E101, HG62E11, HG62E130

PDF Download
2021/05/08 13:04 2021/05/08 13:04
