Part Number : HFE4090-321

Function : Fiber Optic LAN Components - High Speed VCSEL 2.5Gbps

Maker : Honeywell International

Image :
HFE4090-321 datasheet

Description : 

The HFE4090-321 is a high radiance VCSEL designed to convert electrical current into optical power that can be used in fiber optic communications and other applications. As the current varies above threshold, the light intensity increases proportionally.


• Designed for drive currents between 5 and 15 mA
• Optimized for low dependence of electrical properties over temperature
• High speed ≥1 GHz


Datasheet PDF Download :
HFE4090-321 pdf

Others datasheet of same file : HFE4090321

2021/10/25 14:16 2021/10/25 14:16
