Part Number : STV8172A
Function : Vertical Deflection Booster for 3 App TV/monitor applications
Package : Heptawatt 7 Pin type
Maker : STMicroelectronics
Pinouts :
Description :
Designed for monitors and high performance TVs, the STV8172A vertical deflection booster delivers flyback voltages up to 70V.
The STV8172A operates with supplies up to 35V and provides up to 3 APPoutput current to drive
the yoke. The STV8172A is offered in a Heptawatt plastic package.
In double-supply applications, a stand-by state will be reached by stopping the (+) supply alone.
1. Power amplifier
2. Flyback generator
3. Stand-by control
4. Output current up to 3.0 App
5. Thermal protection
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Others datasheet of same file : STV8172