Part Number : PE4259

Function : SPDT High Power UltraCMOS 10 MHz–3.0 GHz RF Switch

Package : SC-70 type

Maker : Peregrine Semiconductor

Image :
PE4259 datasheet

Description :

The PE4259 UltraCMOS RF switch is designed to cover a broad range of applications from 10 MHz through 3000 MHz. This reflective switch integrates on-board CMOS control logic with a low voltage CMOS-compatible control interface, and can be controlled using either single-pin or complementary control inputs. Using a nominal +3-volt power supply voltage, a typical input 1dB compression point of +33.5 dBm can be achieved.



1. Single-pin or complementary CMOSlogic control inputs

2. Low insertion loss: 0.35 dB at1000 MHz, 0.5 dB at 2000 MHz

3. Isolation of 30 dB at 1000 MHz, 20 dBat 2000 MHz

4. Typical input 1 dB compression pointof +33.5 dBm

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2021/11/30 09:51 2021/11/30 09:51
