Part Number : ICL7106
Function : 3 1/2 digit A/D converter
Package : DIP 40 Pin Type
Maker : Maxim Integrated
Pinouts :
Description :
The Maxim ICL7106 / ICL7107 are monolithic analog-to digital converters (ADCs). They have very high input impedances and require no external display drive circuitry.
On-board active components include polarity and digit drivers, segment decoders, voltage reference and a clock circuit. The ICL7106 will directly drive a nonmulti plexed liquid crystal display (LCD), whereas the ICL7107 will directly drive a common anode light emitting diode (LED) display.
Datasheet PDF Download :
Others datasheet of same file : ICL7106C/D, ICL7106CJL, ICL7106CPL, ICL7106CPL+