Part Number : AD8000

Function : 1.5 GHz Ultrahigh Speed Op Amp

Pakcage : LFSP 3mm x 3mm, 8 Pin Type

Maker : Analog Devices

Pinouts :
AD8000 datasheet

Description :

The AD8000 is an ultrahigh speed, high performance, current feedback amplifier. Using ADI’s proprietary eXtra Fast Com plementary Bipolar (XFCB) process, the amplifier can achieve a small signal bandwidth of 1.5 GHz and a slew rate of 4100 V/µs. The IC has low spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) of 75 dBc @ 20 MHz and input voltage noise of 1.6 nV/√Hz. The AD8000 can drive over 100 mA of load current with minimal distortion. The amplifier can operate on +5 V to ±6 V. These specifications make the device ideal for a variety of applications, including high speed instrumentation. With a differential gain of 0.02%, differential phase of 0.01°, and 0.1 dB flatness out to 170 MHz, the AD8000 has excellent video specifications, which ensure that even the most demanding video systems maintain excellent fidelity.


1. High speed
2. 1.5 GHz, −3 dB bandwidth (G = +1)
3. 650 MHz, full power bandwidth (G = +2, VO = 2 V p-p)
4. Excellent video specifications
5. Output overdrive recovery: 22 ns
6. Low noise: 1.6 nV/√Hz input voltage noise
7. Input offset voltage: 1 mV typ
8. High output current: 100 mA
9. Wide supply voltage range: 4.5 V to 12 V
10. Supply current: 13.5 mA

Applications : 

1. Professional video
2. High speed instrumentation
3. Video switching
4. IF/RF gain stage
5. CCD imaging

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2021/05/25 21:02 2021/05/25 21:02
