Part Number : 78L08

Function : 8V, Three-terminal positive voltage regulator

Package : SOT-23-3L, SOT-89 Type

Maker : Wing Shing, Kia, ST

Pinouts :
78L08 datasheet

Description :

The L78L series of three-terminal positiveregulators employ internal current limiting andthermal shutdown, making them essentiallyindestructible. If adequate heat-sink is provided,they can deliver up to 100 mA output current.They are intended as fixed voltage regulators in awide range of applications including local or on-card regulation for elimination of noise anddistribution problems associated with single-pointregulation. In addition, they can be used withpower pass elements to make high-currentvoltage regulators. The L78L series used asZener diode/resistor combination replacement,offers e improvement along with lower quiescentcurrent and lower noise.


1. Maximum outputcurrent = Io:0.1 A
2. Output voltage = Vo: 8 V
3. Continuous total dissipation
4. Pd: SOT-23-3L 0.35 W (Ta= 25 ℃) , SOT-89 0.5 W (Ta= 25 ℃)

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78L08 pdf

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7808, LM78L08, LM7808

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2021/05/15 11:24 2021/05/15 11:24
