Part Number : 2SC4606
Function : 0.5A, 80V, NPN Transistor
Package : M-A1 Type
Maker : Panasonic Corporation
Pinouts :
Description :
Silicon NPN epitaxial planer type Transistor
Features :
1. Complementary to 2SA1762
2. High collector-emitter voltage (Base open) VCEO
3. Optimum for the driver stage of a low-frequency and 25 W to 30 W output amplifier
4. M type package allowing easy automatic and manual insertion as well as stand-alone fixing to the printed circuit board.
Absolute maximum ratings ( Ta=25°C )
1. Collector to Base Voltage : Vcbo = 80 V
2. Collector to Emitter Voltage : Vceo = 80 V
3. Emitter to Base Voltage : Vebo = 5 V
4. Collector Current : Ic = 0.5 A
5. Total Dissipation : Pc = 1 W
6. Junction Temperature : Tj = 150°C
7. Storage Temperatue : Tsg = -55 ~ +150°C
Applications :
1. High speed switching
2. Low-frequency driver amplification
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